Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Waiting around in the SF airport

So it seems like a million years ago that I wrote that last post even though it was only a month.

Whew, but after going back and forth about going to Turkey this year or next it sort of feels epic that I'm sitting in the SF airport right now waiting for my flight to Munich. I feel like I should be soaking up the English around me and American-ness of everyone's clothes and mannerisms. Really all I'm doing is trying to watch movies on Netflix since I have about 7 hours before I have to move from this spot. Productive as always.

Pretty crazy that in a day or so I'll be in Ankara. Honestly I'm a little worried that I'll be totally lost and scared like a five year old without parents, but I think this is one of those character building moments that I'll think about later and I feel like if I made it through that then I can conquer the world. Haha or I'll just blunder through it and learn how to say thank you in Turkish. (Teşekkür ederim, yeah practice makes perfect)

Anyways the story of Ankara are soon to come!

Here's one last gem though, this is my last American dinner! Dos Margaritas, you are my favorite! Thank everyone for coming!

Also sorry mer you're not in this! I'll post the one with you in it when I get to Ankara. And Kate you're here in spirit since we visited you earlier in the evening. Love you guys!

Mer, I told you I would.

Mer Bear and I

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