Thursday, September 22, 2011

There's no internet in my new apartment!

Okay good news is I have an apartment and the best roommate ever!! Bad news is her internet is broken until probably Friday. A man came to fix it yesterday, but apparently there was a problem with him and he spoke to me in Turkish which I didn't understand and I guess he was saying that he couldn't fix it so now we have to wait until Friday to get it fixed, booo. This means I have a lot to say and about little to no internet to share this with everyone, but I shall try a bit to share some of the amazing past few days.

Okay first off Tuğba is the best thing that's happened to me in Ankara. I honestly believe that choosing to live with her will be the best decision I'll make in Ankara. She is awesome and sweet and welcoming and wonderful. When I went to see her she was automatically a better fit for me than the other lady I visited. Tuğba is 26 and lively and chatty and asked me if I like to go out and told me all about her life in Istanbul and her family. She was really great annnd her apartment was awesome too. The whole place is really bright because its on the second floor and it has these nice big windows. About halfway through our conversation I thought this is it! So then as soon as I told her I'd live with her she was like, "okay you want to come with my friends and I? We're getting tea." Umm YES! It was awesome, all of her friends were so nice and after speaking to no one for longer than 5 minutes in 4 days it was like being alive again! Haha, it was really really great! Ah all of her friends were so nice and they were all like, "You are so lucky to live with Tuğba, she is so generous and sweet." Yeah, seriously. They even took me specifically to get Turkish coffee because I hadn't tried it yet. Anyways I love her and the apartment and I keep feeling like I just got super lucky because I get to live with her. She lives close to the very popular 7th street which is wonderful and a short walk to the bus. Ah so wonderful.

Here's some photos of the apartment.

Here's the bedroom. BEAU in the bed!

This is the view from MY balcony. In the bottom right hand corner you can see the wires to hang dry clothes.

Here's the bathroom. Side note, this is a really European bath style, my friend Kirk from Berlin called them "river baths" because you basically shower yourself with the shower head while sitting in the bathtub. Quite the experience.


Hallway from the front door looking back to my room and the bathroom

Several photos of the huge living room.

And for those with a real curiosity instead of describing the layout here's a very special hand drawn version. Note: the hallway is not as big as I've drawn it and the front enterence is next to the hallway bench and Tuğba's room.

SO MANY PHOTOS, but here's one last one that Tuğba took of me drinking my first Turkish coffee the day we met.

I'll write again soon!

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