Thursday, June 14, 2012

Procrastination Getting Out of Hand

So here's some of my nostalgia photos that I've taken recently to remember funny little things about Ankara.

Serra, Martin, Caro, and Diruba on the terrace for Jake's birthday.

Coffee breaks at the math kantin

So tired, so hot.

Delicious Turkish breakfast with Tugba.

My sneaky photo of the inside of a dolmus. This is a nice dolmus by the way, my favorite is the really old 1960's style one.

Caro at Cati in the sunshine.

Tiny balcony party at Martina's

Beautiful  Yüzüncü Yıl

More of the apartment blocks of Yüzüncü Yıl.

The no mans land between Yüzüncü Yıl and the campus gate. This is where I was almost attacked by a street dog once but managed to yell loud enough to scare him. Proudest moment in Turkey so far.

All the pickled goodies at the grocery store.

Cuddley couples in the girls kantin

Devrim and watermelon party.

Breakfast at Caro's.

Wonderful smelling clothes on Caro's neighbor's baloney.

Dancing Germans.

Walking Germans (still in Yüzüncü Yıl).

More apartment blocks in Yüzüncü Yıl.

Typical delicious food from Cati.

The wonderful library and Martin with his short shorts.

Maybe I'll write a read post sometime, but for now I hope you enjoyed the photos. 

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