Wednesday, May 23, 2012


So because this blog is mine and I can do whatever I want on it I just wanted to share my new hero: Michel Foucault.

I feel like its a bit of a cliche to say that grad students love Foucault, but let me just say that his concepts of power BLEW MY MIND. So good. I read this article "Foucault, Governmentality, and Critique" by Thomas Lemke (here's the link to the pdf:$2C+Governmentality$2C+and+Critique+IV-2.pdf) and oh my god, it was so good. It totally made me rethink the way I frame my academic arguments and possibly more importantly it made me rethink power. Foucault claims it is not important prove that there are differences between the reality of autonomous individuals and the coercion (laws, violence, war) of the government, but what is interesting and significant is how individual citizens form a compromise and conflict with their government’s laws. This is the compromise between what the government has decided is rational and how autonomous individuals interact with this definition of rationality.

I'm using these theories for a project on racism in Germany. Ah I love school.

I also love Foucault.

1 comment:

  1. We studied a bit of Foucault in our Literary Criticism class, and he's fascinating! I'm so glad to hear you are reading him and using him in your paper!
